How do you create a chart that shows month over month difference


Sorry - I'd created this in the regular Dojo area; didn't realize I needed to post it here.  So feel free to remove from regular post area.


How do you create a chart that shows month over month difference? Like Excel pivot when you sum and can do "difference from".  Is this something that can easily be done or do you need to create something via magic ETL?

Best Answer

  • Apollo
    Apollo Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi jlabbe,

    The best way to achieve this is to create a running total column in a dataflow. (If needed I can PM you on how to create this)
    Once we get the running total column in your dataflow. We can calculate the difference from month to month in a beast mode. 

    Thank you,

    I work for Domo


  • Apollo
    Apollo Domo Employee


    We currently have period over period charts that let you compare month over month.
    Here is a usefull article on how these charts work. 
    Period over period
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    I work for Domo
  • jlabbe
    jlabbe Member


    I don't think I explained what I need very well.  Here is an example of the summed data:


    Jan - 10 widgets 

    Feb - 20 widgets (cummulative - includes Jan/Feb)

    Mar - 35 widgets (cummulative - includes Jan/Feb/Mar)

    Apr - 50 widgets (cummulative - includes Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr)

    May - 100 widgets (cummulative - includes Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May)


    I want my graph to only show the increase (so difference from previous month.  I believe the period over period will only compare months.


    Jan - 10 widgets

    Feb - 10 widgets

    Mar - 15 widgets

    Apr - 15 widgets

    May - 50 widgets


    If that's still in period over period I'll take another look.


    Thanks, Joanne

  • Apollo
    Apollo Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi jlabbe,

    The best way to achieve this is to create a running total column in a dataflow. (If needed I can PM you on how to create this)
    Once we get the running total column in your dataflow. We can calculate the difference from month to month in a beast mode. 

    Thank you,

    I work for Domo
  • pbansal

    @Apollo: I can't access the link for Period over Period chart. 

  • Apollo
    Apollo Domo Employee

    Can you Try this link? 


    I work for Domo
  • pbansal

    @Apollo: Even this doesn't work. I am getting this error:

    "You do not have permissions to view this page."

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