

Using a Beast Mode Calculation in Summary Number

I created a simple beast mode calculation to calculate a ratio out of 2 other columns in my dataset.  Is there any way to use this ratio in my Summary Number?  The option is greyed out; I assume because it's not an aggregation?


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  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    you're correct. It has to be an aggregation for you to be able to use it as the Summary Number. 

    Domo Arigato!

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  • Contributor
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    so I assume your beastmode is something like: `column1`/`column2`? Next question is "average vacancy" if one building is 100% full and one is 50% full is the answer 75% (simple average) or is it a weighted (actual vacancy) based on size of building? I assume the second is preferable. Make the beastmode: Sum('column1')/Sum(`column2`) This should allow you to use it as a percentage in the summary number and it will work as a column calculation as well.
    Dojo Community Member
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  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    you're correct. It has to be an aggregation for you to be able to use it as the Summary Number. 

    Domo Arigato!

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  • Contributor
    There are ways to make it an aggregation depending on what you are trying to do. For example if Column 1 has three values: 1, 5 and 10 and Column two has three values of 1, 10 and 40 then I assume your besatmode is a calculation making percentages like: 100%, 50% and 25%? OR: are you making it something like 1:1, 5:10 and 10:40? in either case, you could create a beastmode that would let you show the calculation in the summary such as 31.3% or 16:51. what are you trying to accomplish?
    Dojo Community Member
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  • Hi Shevy,


    My beast mode calculation is just a percentage like you mentioned.  My two columns represent the capacity of a building and the number of occupants, and the calculation is the % vacancy of the building.


    It's represented as a percentage, which is how I want it, but it's not considered an aggregation so I can't use it in my Summary Number.  What I would like to do is to show average vacancy for all buildings.



  • Contributor
    Answer ✓
    so I assume your beastmode is something like: `column1`/`column2`? Next question is "average vacancy" if one building is 100% full and one is 50% full is the answer 75% (simple average) or is it a weighted (actual vacancy) based on size of building? I assume the second is preferable. Make the beastmode: Sum('column1')/Sum(`column2`) This should allow you to use it as a percentage in the summary number and it will work as a column calculation as well.
    Dojo Community Member
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  • Thank you!  This worked.

  • Hi @Shevy , 

    What would I do to show the highest ratio in the summary? In your ex above, I'd want the summary to show 100%.




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