Limiting filters available in analyzer


Since the design of the card impacts what you can actually filter properly on, how can i limit what categories or values can be chosen in the page or card analyzer filter?


  • Hi all,

    Can anybody help @sgraham out?


  • dax22
    dax22 Domo Employee


    The Page Analyzer includes the option to limit what Participant users can filter off of. Keep in mind this is only for Participant users. While the Card Analyzer does not include this option.

    Admin, Editor and Privileged users can set the Page Analyzer to limit the filterable options for Participant users.

    Here is an article which goes into more detail about how to use the Page Analyzer :

    Please let me know if you have any questions about this. We may be able to submit an enhancement request for some of your particular uses if you are finding that something is incomplete.

    Dax Gibb

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