"visio" like card or boxes with counts in a hierarchy

Has anyone been able to create a "visio" like card, a card with hierarchy counts in levels?  i think this would be awesome functionally with a drill down, maybe it is in here and I am just missing something.


  • Hi all, Can anybody help @kwhite2910 out? Thanks!

  • Here is an example of what I was looking for.

  • jaredpk
    jaredpk Domo Employee

    Hi -- we don't have that kind of chart type, but it would be a great suggestion for a new chart type.  There is also an Adobe Illustrator plug-in that allows for custom graphics and chart additions.  Documentation is available at:

    https://developer.domo.com/docs/design-studio/app-overview (Domo login required)


    If you would like to explore that option, please get in touch with your account executive or consultant and they could help you get started.

    I work for Domo.
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