How do I get free social user licenses for my team?

Chandler Member
edited March 2023 in Datasets

Best Answers

  • MitchyMitch8
    MitchyMitch8 Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    If you click the "Add Person" button at the top of Domo, any email you enter into that screen will be invited as a social user. Message me if you don't see it, as it's not turned on for everyone yet. 


    Screen Shot 2016-10-20 at 1.13.21 PM.png

  • gatormain
    gatormain Member
    Answer ✓


    Hi @Chandler- do you know what access level you have? To invite users, you must be 'Privileged' or 'Admin' - you may want to ask your administrator. 


    Also, I don't think social users are available until Domo Buzz is installed on your instance. I believe that is when they appeared for me. If that is the case, you should reach out to one of your Domo consultants.


    After this last update - my 'Add Users' button changed to an 'Add to Domo' button - it's in the top right, near the navigation grid and user settings. 




  • Hi all, Can anybody help @Chandler out? Thanks

  • jehat
    jehat Domo Employee


    Social licenses are free, and there is not a process to obtain them. You simply invite new social users to Domo and they get a license. If you have any more questions concerning this, please contact and reference ticket #02488824.

    Domo Support

  • MitchyMitch8
    MitchyMitch8 Domo Employee

    Hi @Chandler I'm the product manager for Social users and wanted to make sure that you figured out how to do this. Let me know if you need some help ?



  • Chandler

    Sorry for my absence. We do this just by sharing a dashboard or a card right?

  • MitchyMitch8
    MitchyMitch8 Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    If you click the "Add Person" button at the top of Domo, any email you enter into that screen will be invited as a social user. Message me if you don't see it, as it's not turned on for everyone yet. 


    Screen Shot 2016-10-20 at 1.13.21 PM.png

  • Chandler

    I notice that we don't have that button up top. Any way we can get it?

  • gatormain
    gatormain Member
    Answer ✓


    Hi @Chandler- do you know what access level you have? To invite users, you must be 'Privileged' or 'Admin' - you may want to ask your administrator. 


    Also, I don't think social users are available until Domo Buzz is installed on your instance. I believe that is when they appeared for me. If that is the case, you should reach out to one of your Domo consultants.


    After this last update - my 'Add Users' button changed to an 'Add to Domo' button - it's in the top right, near the navigation grid and user settings. 



  • @Chandler, did any of the above replies help you out?

  • Chandler
    Yeah, the button to add users wasn't there before and I'm not sure what happened but it's there now. Thanks!