

Date column not recognized

Hi all,

I have built a Google Spreadsheet, which I am pulling into Domo to feed a card. 

All data comes in well, but no matter what I do, Domo won't recognize the column <date> as a date column. 


I concatenate the filed, and I tried several versions:






Domo won't recognize it. I also tried a beastmode calculation to force Domo to recognize it as a date column, but that didn't work either. 


Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?




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  • Contributor
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    We import all of our date data in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, though i will admit that we do not use Google Spreadsheets.


    The one thing i note from your date example, is it looks like maybe you are doing YYYY-DD-MM...  (ie, there is no month 13)


    The other thing you could try is pulling the pieces apart and using the STR_TO_DATE() function... examples can be found here -



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  • Thanks cktzman!

    Solution for me was as follows:

    - change syntax of date column to YYY-DD-MM

    - ensure that empty spaces (without a date) were filled with a date like 1999-01-01 (which I later on filter out). 


    That did it. Thanks a lot again!


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