I'm in Analyzer, how can I sum the totals for only some of my columns

I'm creating a card in Analyzer and currently using chart type "Table". Other than changing my chart type to Pivot Table, how else can I sum the totals for my columns……but not all, only some of them?

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    On the column that you don't want the total to show up for, click the pencil icon and click on Total and select the checkbox that says Hide total

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  • b_rad
    b_rad Contributor

    Its not entirely clear what your requirement is….so my solution could be totally off.

    You can enable the Totals in the table chart, and for the metrics for which you do not want the total you can use the "Hide Total" option for the columns for which you dont need the totals displayed.

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    On the column that you don't want the total to show up for, click the pencil icon and click on Total and select the checkbox that says Hide total

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  • Thank you, exactly what I was asking