Need Help Changing to LAST 12 Months and sorting in proper order

The Card below shows the total call volume by month, and I have a quick filter to modify the number of years.

I created the following beast modes.

Standard Date (X Axis)

(YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - YEAR((addTimestamp)))

Count of 'Addtimestamp' y Axis

Reported Years for the Series ( Filtered


Number of Years - (With Quick filter so I can choose the number of years)

YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - YEAR(addTimestamp)

QUESTION: I need to change this to the last 12 months but still maintain the years and PUT THE MONTHS IN ORDER of LAST 12 MONTHS. Like this:


  • DavidChurchman
    edited February 11

    I think you could create a BeastMode for your sort:


    MONTH(`addTimeStamp`)+12 - month(current_date()),



    Add 12 to your month and subtract the current month. Then use modulo 12. If the current month is March:

    • March + 12 - March = 12, Modulo 12 = 0
    • April + 12 - March = 13, Modulo 12 = 1
    • January + 12 - March = 10, Modulo 12 = 10
    • February + 12 - March = 11, Modulo 12 = 11

    This would only work with "graph-by" months, but I think if you added in a second sort on DAY(`addTimeStamp`), it should be pretty robust

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • Thanks @DavidChurchman that worked!