How do I see all the visualizations available?

How do I see all the visualizations available?


Best Answers

  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Assuming you are looking for all possible chart types, I love referencing @DashboardDude 's recipe book:

    It helps me see and interact with all the possible chart types. I also really like this chart from MajorDomo training. It's presented as a flow chart so you can help narrow down what you are after:

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  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓


    Let me help with that distinction. So this link is ALL the chart types you see from the analyzer when making a card:

    The bricks stuff are charts that require some coding and you can find that by typing Bricks into the appstore:

    Hope that helps with the clarification. Here's the link again:

    Also if you want to learn how to use these all, I have courses that teach how to use all chart types FYI:

    John Le

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  • @briang001 Are you looking for all possible chart types that can be used or all cards that have already been created in your instance?

  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Assuming you are looking for all possible chart types, I love referencing @DashboardDude 's recipe book:

    It helps me see and interact with all the possible chart types. I also really like this chart from MajorDomo training. It's presented as a flow chart so you can help narrow down what you are after:

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  • Aw thanks @Data_Devon . @briang001 Here's a page I made that has all the available chart types that aren't bricks:

    John Le

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  • What do you mean when you say, "that arent bricks"?

  • briang001
    briang001 Member
    edited February 11

    @MichelleH I'm looking for all possible chart types

  • This is less visual than what DashboardDude made, but I feel like it should be said there is "official" documentation here:

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓


    Let me help with that distinction. So this link is ALL the chart types you see from the analyzer when making a card:

    The bricks stuff are charts that require some coding and you can find that by typing Bricks into the appstore:

    Hope that helps with the clarification. Here's the link again:

    Also if you want to learn how to use these all, I have courses that teach how to use all chart types FYI:

    John Le

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