Governance toolkit - User management


I'm about to implement User Governance and have some concerns about user passwords.

1- I assume that existing users that are already in the user management dataset will keep they current user password, right?

2- What about new users passwords that will be created once I create the job? How will they get his password? (For ex, they will receive an email notification and will be able to configure his password from a link)

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • brycec
    brycec Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Do you mean User Management in the Governance Toolkit? If so, passwords are not controlled by the configuration DataSet, so your existing users would keep their password. Additionally, there is an option when setting up the toolkit job to "send invite". If you check this, it will send new users an email inviting them to Domo, and they will be walked through setting a password upon clicking on that invite link.

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  • brycec
    brycec Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Do you mean User Management in the Governance Toolkit? If so, passwords are not controlled by the configuration DataSet, so your existing users would keep their password. Additionally, there is an option when setting up the toolkit job to "send invite". If you check this, it will send new users an email inviting them to Domo, and they will be walked through setting a password upon clicking on that invite link.

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