custom delimiter

i need to split a column that has 20250115 into 4 digit year 2 digit month and 2 digit day, or how to convert to date formula to give me a date in this column


  • You can accomplish this in a beast mode:

    STR_TO_DATE(dateField, '%Y%m%d')


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  • Hi @Tcole ,

    Here you go:

    If doing this in beast mode/ SQL:

    CONCAT(LEFT(`whatever the date column is named`,4),'-',SUBSTRING('whatever the date column is named',5,2),'-',RIGHT('whatever the column is named',2))

    This will just give you a string though. If you need it to be a real date then in the ETL you can do the same formula, but like this:

    CAST(CONCAT(LEFT(`whatever the date column is named`,4),'-',SUBSTRING('whatever the date column is named',5,2),'-',RIGHT('whatever the column is named',2)) as date)


    DATE(LEFT(`whatever the date column is named`,4), SUBSTRING('whatever the date column is named',5,2), RIGHT('whatever the column is named',2))

    How this works is I'm ripping apart the values and putting them back together. So I'm saying "Start from the left and go 4 places…Then start in the middle at place 5 and go two spots.

    Hope that helps. I explain that a bit more in this video:

    John Le

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