Workflow Error: `All shapes need to be connected to at least one other design element.`


I get an error message saying 'All shapes need to be connected to at least one other design element'. I have triple checked my Workflow process, and all shapes are connected. Has anyone run into the same issue and figured out how to resolve it? TIA.

Best regards,



Best Answer

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Do you have two paths from a conditional gateway that are connected to the same next step?

    Have you moved the different shapes around to make sure the lines are all actually connected and don't just LOOK connected?

    Are any of the shapes outlined in red?


  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Do you have two paths from a conditional gateway that are connected to the same next step?

    Have you moved the different shapes around to make sure the lines are all actually connected and don't just LOOK connected?

    Are any of the shapes outlined in red?