Barchart elements not visible

NateBI Contributor

Hi All,

The bar chart above has all font on largest, why is it fomatting like this and how can I get it more like this:

(Wrt the font size and bar length.) P.S I don't mind a scroll.



  • @NateBI Forgive my question, but what is the purpose of this chart? With so many bars, you'd be better off converting this to a table or creating multiple visuals rather than trying to squeeze labels into a giant bar chart.

  • NateBI
    NateBI Contributor
    edited March 5

    @MichelleH Thanks, although I am asking why it has to become this giant bar chart with squeezd labels in the first place but to answer, I agree another visual would paint a clearer picture I'm considering something closer to this:

    but the original bar chart has the same concept baked in (as would a table) since I just want the insight* at a glance P.S I find myself defaulting to tables in Domo but not neccesserily because I want to.

    For context:

    Dummy Example: blue = total inventory units , turquoise = total units sold, line = sell-through rate

    The chart is ordered by total inventory units (desc) to contextualize the sell-through rate (team selling 50% of 2 units = less concerning than a team selling 50% of 20,000 units).

    *Insight: my eye's get drawn to the negative spikes closer to the y-axis (or to the top in the original chart) and those teams are on now on my radar ( I guess hence why I don't mind a scroller).

    Edit: I could filter the chart by the % metric to reduce the size, but just wondering if I have to or if I'm missing something in the settings.

  • For the OP, if you open the "detailed" view of the card, then you can zoom in/out in the browser window to get something pretty similar to what you asked for.

    If you need every value in something that scrolls on the dashboard (without having to expand to details), maybe a heatmap table instead of a bar chart?

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.