Best practice for using the same dataset for different projects

So my team has a Sales dataset that is being used to make a Sales App, this dataset has variables, BeastMode calculated fields that use those variables, and these BeastMode were saved to the dataset when created.

Now I'm making a new app that also using the same Dataset, however, I'll need to create different Beastmode calculations that I don't want to save to this Dataset since it's from 2 different projects.

Just wondering what would be the best practice when using the same dataset for 2 Apps that require different Beastmode calculation?


  • One approach is to have a "raw" dataset with no BeastModes, and then save a view of the dataset for each distinct use/dasbhoard. Each view can have its own BeastModes. You can also limit the number of columns and rename the columns going into the dashboard, which can make the filters on the dashboard more user-friendly.

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