Daily, Weekly and Monthly Active Users graphs

We have a UserActivity table that is populated from several sites and has these columns:

UserID (email)
Application (site that data comes from)
Tier (basic, pro, enterprise, null)
ActivityDate (datetime)

we want to have 3 separate graphs for DAU, WAU, MAU (Daily, Weekly and Monthly Active Users)
and we want it to be unique users,

  • so if they signed in 3 times 1 day, it counts as 1
    • this would be true across both the week and month graph as well

And i would think we'd want a week to always start on Monday and month to start on the first day of the month for any given date range selected?

these graphs should have filtering for both the 'Application' and 'Tier' Columns, and be across any date range selected.
(we do have a .csv that has a date column for every date till 2050 that is used in other reporting if that would help)

What is the best way to do this in DOMO? and I am very inexperienced with Domo other than simple reporting

Best Answers

  • ColemenWilson
    edited January 20 Answer ✓

    Hi @user04612 , I would recommend line or bar charts for the 3 charts. This is what we use for our weekly active users:

    The orange line is the linear regression to see the trend.

    To build this:
    1. Use ActivityDate as your X axis
    2. Create the following Calculated Field (Beast mode):
    3. Use your new beast mode as your Y axis.
    4. In your date settings select Graph By = Day
    5. Save your card
    6. Click the wrench on your newly created card:

    6. Select "Save As" and then title the duplicate card "Weekly Active Users"
    7. In your date settings select Graph By = Week.
    8. Repeat steps 6-7 but for Monthly active users.

    -Weeks start on Sunday and that is how Domo will display your data by default.
    -Instead of creating 3 separate cards, you could have a single card and allow users to choose to graph by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, etc…

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • user04612
    user04612 Member
    Answer ✓

    Very nice.. worked like a champ thanks so much!


  • ColemenWilson
    edited January 20 Answer ✓

    Hi @user04612 , I would recommend line or bar charts for the 3 charts. This is what we use for our weekly active users:

    The orange line is the linear regression to see the trend.

    To build this:
    1. Use ActivityDate as your X axis
    2. Create the following Calculated Field (Beast mode):
    3. Use your new beast mode as your Y axis.
    4. In your date settings select Graph By = Day
    5. Save your card
    6. Click the wrench on your newly created card:

    6. Select "Save As" and then title the duplicate card "Weekly Active Users"
    7. In your date settings select Graph By = Week.
    8. Repeat steps 6-7 but for Monthly active users.

    -Weeks start on Sunday and that is how Domo will display your data by default.
    -Instead of creating 3 separate cards, you could have a single card and allow users to choose to graph by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, etc…

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • user04612
    user04612 Member
    Answer ✓

    Very nice.. worked like a champ thanks so much!