Rank and Window Function - SUM

I am trying to create a SUM in a Rank and Window ETL Tile. I have no reason to put a Frame Range in other than unbounded but it will not let me APPLY. I must be doing something wrong. Should the FOLLOWING box be a 0?

Best Answer

  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    If you make Following = 0 then you will get a running sum, it will sum all the preceding records in the partition and none of the following records. If what you were wanting was no frame at all, so the total for each partition placed on each row in the partition, then I find it's best to use a group by and join the sum back to the main dataset. Hope that helps!


  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    If you make Following = 0 then you will get a running sum, it will sum all the preceding records in the partition and none of the following records. If what you were wanting was no frame at all, so the total for each partition placed on each row in the partition, then I find it's best to use a group by and join the sum back to the main dataset. Hope that helps!