How to pull data from a report within a website report


We pull pricing information from the USDA:

Previously, we used an advanced HTML connector and it was easy enough to just swap codes out in the path to pull the item I wanted information on - example below ONS was for pulling onion pricing.

They have changed their website so the old HTML paths do not do anything anymore. I can run reports within the website and export but I'm not sure how to re-establish a link and if that would an html connector or if there is another method that is best for this scenario:

I'm pretty new at setting connectors so any ideas/guidance would be very helpful!

Thank you!




  • USDA appears to have documentation on their API online:

    It looks like you just register for a key (credentials). You then use a Domo connector to interface with the USDA data. I'm not aware whether there is a USDA specific connector, but you can probably use the generic JSON No Code oAuth connector. Just search AppStore for either USDA or JSN.

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