What is the workaround to pull in more than 4 dimensions with the Adobe Analytics connector?

We are using the Adobe Analytics v2 OAuth Partition Connector - Server to Server connector. (https://connection.domo.com/appstore/connectors/com.domo.connector.adobeanalyticsv2.server?origin=search). This connector only allows you to pull in 4 dimensions. Unfortunately, that is not enough for one of the events I am trying to pull data for. What is the workaround to get more than 4 dimensions? Do I need to use a separate request or is there a better option?



  • I don't use the Adobe Analytics Connector, but you could try making more than one API request. Each with a different set of dimensions and then combine the results using Magic ETL. Or possibly do some of the processing in Adobe Analytics and then pull the metrics instead of the raw details.

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  • Each additional request is a credit spent. At least that is how I understand it. I am trying to minimize the number of credits we spend on a daily basis. Multiple requests will cost more but could be the only solution I guess.

  • Have you considered connecting using Jupyter Notebooks and a Python script? I don't believe it would cost any extra credits if it is done in the same script.

    In Domo, credits are typically tied to the DataFlows, Workflows, or API execution rather than each individual execution of a Python script. Executing a Python script in a Jupyter notebook shouldn't incur credits every time it runs. But you would need to verify that to be sure.

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  • Hmm. I was told using Python actually used 2 credits and not just one per execution.

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