Can Workflows interact with Domo Projects and Tasks?

Would like to automatically create a task in Projects & Tasks based on someone completing a form (vs. me seeing the update to the form and then manually creating a task). Or more generally, what is the ability to interact with Projects via. Workflows? Thanks!



  • @trafalger just did this. He may be able to explain how he did it. I believe it required some programming within Code Engine to accomplish it.

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  • @t238 - I'm totally happy to help you with this. It sounds like Mark is aware of someone who just did it - tell me…it's just as simple as taking some of the inputs from the form and using them to create a task in a certain project?

    If you can share more details, I can be more closely aligned with your exact use case in the example I build.

  • t238
    t238 Member
    edited October 2024

    HI @DanHendriksen, Mark, thanks for the response. For my case, it is indeed just as simple as taking some inputs from the form and converting it into a task. Haven't thought too deeply about how to take those form inputs and organize it as a task though, but i was thinking ex. some form fields would turn into a tag, one would turn into the task headline, another be put into the description … or something of the sort

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    I'll put it on my list to get it created, along with a little video.