Dashboard cards not displaying data

Hello Domo Community!

A customer is sharing more and more data with their expanded teams and is having an issue where the end users can access the dashboard, but doesn't have access to the cards. The cards are specifically text cards. In this case there is no underlying dataset, so no PDP rules are in effect. the cards are text cards with links to other pages. The end users all have access to the other pages. Any ideas?


  • nmizzell
    nmizzell Contributor

    Hey HJ,

    I have encountered this issue before and solved it in the following way:

    1. Share content with groups instead of individual users. Sharing dashboards with the groups will share all the component cards as well.
    2. Add users to the groups to assign access to content.

    You can check which content each group has access to ensure that the component cards as well as the dashboards are shared with the final users.

    It may also be helpful to create a test account and add the test account to the group to ensure that the account has all the needed access. You can log in to the test account to ensure that everything is displayed as intended.


    • I agree with @nmizzell, if you can share with the groups. Sometimes that's not an option.

      Make sure the end users have been granted the correct permissions to the dashboard. Sometimes, dashboard permissions might not automatically extend to all the components within the dashboard.
    • Card Permissions: Verify if there are specific permissions set for the text cards themselves. Although text cards generally don’t have specific permissions, it’s worth checking if any special settings might be affecting access.
    • Link Accessibility: Check if the links within the text cards point to resources or pages that might have their own permissions. Ensure that end users have the appropriate access rights to these linked resources.
    • Dashboard Sharing Settings: Review the sharing settings of the dashboard. Sometimes, even if a user has access to the dashboard, certain components within it might have restricted visibility based on the dashboard’s sharing settings.
    • Browser or Cache Issues: Have the end users clear their browser cache or try accessing the dashboard from a different browser or device. Sometimes caching issues can affect how content is displayed or accessed.

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