Python Scripting in Magic ETL | Iterating through close dates to get unique account id values

Hello! I'm trying to find the issue in my current python code that iterates through each date while maintaining a set of already logged accounts and then counting new accounts each day. I have sorted by the 'Close Date' , grouped by the 'Close Date' and the 'Owner Division', and have 'new accounts' and 'seen_accounts' variables. I was hoping a unique count on the 'new_accounts' would work, but I'm running into an error where I can't preview the execution. Error message is "Output data not found or not parsable".

This is my code below:

Best Answer

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    You need to tell the tile what you want it to output:


    I also think you want to unindent your current last line to take it out of the loop, otherwise you're unnecessarily over-writing the same dataframe over and over.

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

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  • Wait, I forgot to write back my data frame!

  • Try this:

    from domomagic import *
    import pandas as pd

    # Reading the data from Domo
    input1 = read_dataframe('Existing - Sales Rev')

    # Sorting the DataFrame by 'Close Date'
    df = input1.sort_values(by='Close Date')

    # Initialize a set to keep track of seen accounts
    seen_accounts = set()

    # Initialize a list to store the results
    results = []

    # Group by 'Close Date' and 'Owner ID.Division'
    for date, group in df.groupby(['Close Date', 'Owner ID.Division']):
    # Find new accounts that haven't been seen before
    new_accounts = group[~group['Account ID'].isin(seen_accounts)]

    # Count unique new accounts
    unique_count = new_accounts['Account ID'].nunique()

    # Append the results to the list
    'Close Date': date[0],
    'Owner ID.Division': date[1],
    'UniqueAccountCount': unique_count

    # Update the set of seen accounts with the newly found ones
    seen_accounts.update(new_accounts['Account ID'])

    # Create a DataFrame from the results
    unique_account_count_cumulative = pd.DataFrame(results)

    # Write the output DataFrame back to Domo
    write_dataframe(unique_account_count_cumulative, 'Output Dataset Name')

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  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    You need to tell the tile what you want it to output:


    I also think you want to unindent your current last line to take it out of the loop, otherwise you're unnecessarily over-writing the same dataframe over and over.

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • from domomagic import *
    import pandas as pd

    # Reading the data from Domo
    input1 = read_dataframe('Existing - Sales Rev')

    # Convert input to a DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(input1)

    # Sort the DataFrame by 'Close Date'
    df = df.sort_values(by='Close Date')

    # Initialize a set to keep track of seen accounts
    seen_accounts = set()

    # Initialize a list to store the results
    results = []

    # Group by 'Close Date' and 'Owner ID.Division'
    for date, group in df.groupby(['Close Date', 'Owner ID.Division']):
    # Find new accounts that haven't been seen before
    new_accounts = group[~group['Account ID'].isin(seen_accounts)]

    # Count unique new accounts
    unique_count = new_accounts['Account ID'].nunique()

    # Append the results to the list
    'Close Date': date[0],
    'Owner ID.Division': date[1],
    'UniqueAccountCount': unique_count

    # Update the set of seen accounts with the newly found ones
    seen_accounts.update(new_accounts['Account ID'])

    # Create a DataFrame from the results
    unique_account_count_cumulative = pd.DataFrame(results)

    # Optionally write the output DataFrame back to Domo (if needed)
    # write_dataframe(unique_account_count_cumulative, 'Output Dataset Name')

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