Form using Webform as Export

DWill978 Member
edited August 2024 in App Studio

Hi all,

I am working on trying to create a form in App Studio. However, I am wanting to change the output of the Form from API to the Webform so that I have the ability to edit the dataset itself. Is this even possible?

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Webforms can only be input datasets. They cannot be output datasets. You could use a webform as a second input dataset that could overwrite entries by joining it to your app studio form dataset in Magic ETL, though.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Webforms can only be input datasets. They cannot be output datasets. You could use a webform as a second input dataset that could overwrite entries by joining it to your app studio form dataset in Magic ETL, though.

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