Increase Bubble Chart Size

I'm using bubble chart now, to show Sales by Region.

Some value of sales are in Billion unit while other also in Million.

It really doesn't make sense when user choose Year A it show perfect bubble,

then Year B size very small.

How to adjust the size? Already consider to rescale the data but then it'll affect the data accuracy. Hence i don't use this option. Please advise me.


Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Can you transform your data in an ETL? Apply a formula like Log(Value) or Value / Scaling Factor to adjust the bubble sizes.

    Create a calculated field to adjust the size values directly. A formula to scale down or normalize your values. For example, Size = [Original Size] / 1,000,000 to convert billions to millions.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Can you transform your data in an ETL? Apply a formula like Log(Value) or Value / Scaling Factor to adjust the bubble sizes.

    Create a calculated field to adjust the size values directly. A formula to scale down or normalize your values. For example, Size = [Original Size] / 1,000,000 to convert billions to millions.

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