Looking for steps to creating a historical dataset and setting up partitioning

About a year ago I set up partitioning. Since that time the platform we were importing data has sunsetted. I am now building a new dataset for Adobe Analytics. Adobe doesn't seem to like long timeframes for imports so I've imported all of the data dating back to the beginning of the year by importing month by month and appending it to the previous data. I'm not at a point where I want to import and replace the current month and maybe the previous 2 months. I recall using partitioning for this and in fact I can see the dataflow I used previously. What I am stuck on are the steps in between. This brings me to the question. What are the steps to do the following.

  1. Import historical data
  2. set up an import that imports a certain number of days back and replaces that data in the dataset
  3. set up the dataflow


  • @dkonig Which Adobe Analytics connector are you using? Some have partition capabilities in the connector itself.

  • dkonig
    dkonig Member
    edited August 2024

    It would be the Adobe Analytics v2 OAuth Partition Connector - Server to Server. I see partitioning in the name but I don't see any settings. I do see this but that data doesn't show up in the final dataset.