How can I show the number in percentage in domo alerts email

I've set up alerts on the card where numbers are displayed as percentages in the visuals, but they appear as floating decimals in the alerts. is there a way to shown number in alerts in percentage?

Best Answers

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    edited June 28 Answer ✓

    Workflows isn't the right sub-forum for such a question, but I'd just do a calculated field where you multiply your value by 100 and display that (with the box unchecked on the visual). That will ensure the underlying data is 73.45 and not .7345 (for example).

  • david_cunningham
    Answer ✓

    @Agnes0815_ - I would recommend Analyzer or Beast Mode

    David Cunningham

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  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    edited June 28 Answer ✓

    Workflows isn't the right sub-forum for such a question, but I'd just do a calculated field where you multiply your value by 100 and display that (with the box unchecked on the visual). That will ensure the underlying data is 73.45 and not .7345 (for example).

  • Thank you. yes i think this is better. what would be the right sub-forum? I can update that.

  • david_cunningham
    Answer ✓

    @Agnes0815_ - I would recommend Analyzer or Beast Mode

    David Cunningham

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