What is difference between Form viewer, Form builder, Form & Dataset brick and App studio forms

I am planning to build a custom form with contact information and two checkboxes with embedded agreement policies to accept and submit. I see different options and would like to know the difference between form viewer, form builder, form & dataset brick and app studio for building a form for the above scenario.

Best Answer

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Despite the similar names App Studio and Custom Apps are completely different things. App Studio is more like an advanced dashboarding tool that can have apps as part of it. Custom Apps information can be found here - https://developer.domo.com/portal/28v6sqz9eslb9-overview There is also a beta for the Pro-Code editor which will let you edit and preview custom apps inside Domo. You can contact your Domo rep about being a part of that if you are interested.


  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee
    edited June 19

    Form Builder and Form Viewer are custom apps that provide a system to create and submit forms. Builder can build and submit while Viewer is submit only from the forms built in builder. These use AppDB collections that sync to DataSets. These are considered legacy applications however and the plan is to replace them with Forms in Domo.

    Forms in Domo can be used in App Studio and Workflows currently and is where we are actively developing and adding new features. These Forms write directly to DataSets.

    The Form & Dataset Brick is a custom app that is meant to be an example of how you would make an app that writes to AppDB that happens to be using a simple form as the submit mechanism. It's meant to be a starting point for AppDB based apps where you can make your own customized form or other app. It can also sync to a DataSet but the current example app doesn't use DataSets. We are working on converting Bricks into templates in the Pro Code Editor which is currently in beta.

  • I understand , I am using forms in App studio that has many limitations. Some of them are the below
    Phone number field type with country codes is not available.
    Embedding features of agreements to sign and accept electronically is not available.
    Sections within the single page not available
    customizing form title with bold is not available in the form edit.

    Would I be able to accomplish them in Forms or is there any alternative to implement the same?

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee

    I don't believe any have phone number type validation, signature question types or style changes to the title.

    Not sure exactly what you mean by sections within a single page but that may be possible.

    The Brick won't have any of that without you custom coding all of it but it is all technically doable as custom apps can be coded to do most anything.

  • Thank you for your response.
    Can we customize the forms in Domo App studio with custom code?
    How can I achieve that?

    By sections I meant, after adding sections and deploying the form, it displays sections separately with a next button and takes to the other section separately. I want the two sections to be displayed in a single page layout with the submit button at the bottom.

    Is that doable?

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee

    So sections by nature are intended to be separate pages. As far as customizable forms the forms themselves are not. It would have to be a custom app that is coded to display as a form. That would have to be fully custom code on your end though instead of something out of the box.

  • Where can I use the custom code for the app. Is it feasible with App studio?

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Despite the similar names App Studio and Custom Apps are completely different things. App Studio is more like an advanced dashboarding tool that can have apps as part of it. Custom Apps information can be found here - https://developer.domo.com/portal/28v6sqz9eslb9-overview There is also a beta for the Pro-Code editor which will let you edit and preview custom apps inside Domo. You can contact your Domo rep about being a part of that if you are interested.

  • I agree, thank you.