Drill in place to filter the Dashboard

I currently have a map card of the United States that allows the user to click on a state and it drill in place. (Works great) from there I want the user to be able to click on a customer within the state and whole dashboard gets filtered by that customer.
Is that currently possible?

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @ColinHaze It sounds like you want to include both Drill In Place and Filter interactions for the same card, which I don't believe is possible. I'd suggest splitting this into two separate cards, one for filtering by state, and one for filtering by customer.


  • Hi ColinHaze, sounds like you've got a sweet thing going!

    I've always just applied a second layer to the drill path so that the filtered card is filtered yet again. If you are drilling in place, and you want those filters to also apply globally to the entire dashboard, then it should do that automatically. Just go to your drill path and "Add a view" per screenshot below.

    If the dashboard doesn't filter globally after the second drill down, go into your "Card Interaction Settings" (Wrench Icon > Edit Dashboard > Edit Content > Change Interaction) and ensure that the card in question has permissions appropriate to your goals.

    Let me know if I'm on the right track.

  • Data_Devon,
    This Card is in app Studio. Im not sure im following. I added a second View on my drill path and its drilling in place which is great but its still not filtering the other cards on the app. It just keeps drilling down. I tried to enable interactive filters but it no longer allows me to drill in place.
    Does that make sense?

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @ColinHaze It sounds like you want to include both Drill In Place and Filter interactions for the same card, which I don't believe is possible. I'd suggest splitting this into two separate cards, one for filtering by state, and one for filtering by customer.