Update to Domo University Experience

zcameron Domo Employee
edited June 2024 in Domo University

We’ve released a new Domo University experience! The Domo University landing page has been updated to include: 

  • A clear path for new users to get started with their learning journey. 
  • The ability to quickly find a relevant set of courses based on a user’s role in Domo. 
  • Visibility into what courses a user is actively working on, and what course to start next. 
  • Easy access to newly added courses. 
  • Easy access to the calendar of live public training courses. 

The new user path will allow a user to enroll in a series of our fundamental Domo courses with a single click, guiding them through their core learning experience. 

Similarly, the Find Courses by Role path will allow users to enroll in the right set of courses for their Domo role with a single click.  

We hope these adjustments will make it easier for users to find meaningful training options, keep moving on the right path toward expertise in key areas for their roles, and onboard new Domo users within their organization.  

You can check out the new experience now at Domo University:

