MongoDB connector not working with added field

edited May 2024 in Connectors

We are using the query below to filter for displayTime $gte "$fourteenDaysAgo", which is the added field. It doesn't work in Domo, but returns expected results in db explorer. Does anybody have any ideas?


$addField: {
fourteenDaysAgo: {
$trunc: {$toInt: {$divide:[{$subtract:
[{$toLong: "$$NOW"} , 1209600000]},1000]}}}

$match : {
displayTime: {$gte "$fourteenDaysAgo"}

$project: {


  • The syntax appears to be correct; all commas and parentheses seem to be used properly. There may be an issue with the usage of $fourteenDaysAgo in the $match stage. In MongoDB, you typically use variables defined within an aggregation pipeline stage using the $$ notation, but here it's used as a string value.

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  • I updated the match to this:

    $match : {

    displayTime: {$gte: $$fourteenDaysAgo}

    I've also tried variations of $$fDA, "$$fDA", [$$fDA]… and although they don't return json parsing errors and complete runs, there are now rows output.

    When I project the field fourteenDaysAgo as an epoch date and look at the output when hard-coding the $match, the column value is the epoch date in seconds as I'd expect, but the filter apparently doesn't get applied. I tried to convert the data type to integerlong/decimal data types in case the BSON data type didn't match for the $gte comparison and nothing works to return rows except a hard coded epoch date in seconds:

    $match : {

    displayTime: 1714092834