ETL Wont let me 'Edit' then 'Run'


I am wondering if this might be a glitch or what might be causing this problem.
I have an ETL that I am trying to edit. The only dataset it uses is the calendar dataset. I am able to run it by going to the dataflow, clicking the three dots, then Run. (See attachment if confused) However when I click edit etl, and regardless if I make changes or not, when I click Save and run I keep getting 'Unable to save your changes.'


  • There appears to be something in the ETL that isn't valid. Perhaps it doesn't have a output tile or something?

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  • I would look at your History to see if it's truly running when it says its running. Also, double check your Versions. What was the difference between the last version and this one? Do you have anything unconnected in the ETL, maybe hiding in some corner?

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  • @DavidChurchman & @ArborRose
    No idea what the issue was. Without making any changes it now works. Guess it was just throwing a fit lol.

  • Hey, we all need a juice-box and a nap sometimes

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