Text to Date Issue


Hey there! I am trying to alter a text into a date, but I keep getting the "failed to parse" warning. For context, I'm uploading a CSV file.

Does anyone know a formula to fix this? I've tried multiple, but haven't had much luck.

*I provided a screenshot of how the field looks in the CSV file prior to uploading into Domo.

Best Answer

  • Mwatson
    Mwatson Member
    Answer ✓

    Update - I was able to figure it out using this formula:

    DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Date, '/', -1), '%e-%b-%y'), '%b %e, %Y')


  • Mwatson
    Mwatson Member
    Answer ✓

    Update - I was able to figure it out using this formula:

    DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Date, '/', -1), '%e-%b-%y'), '%b %e, %Y')