WORKFLOWS Q&A from Domopalooza

AnnaYardley Community Forums Manager
edited April 2024 in Workflows

The product team enjoyed answering questions from the audience during the final session at Domopalooza. Below you will find the answers to all questions related to Workflows (including those that weren't mentioned on stage).

Q: Can I use a WorkFlow to change a default date variable within a Domo dashboard?
A: Yes, your workflow can be configured to call an internal API to update the variable.

Q: Is there version control implemented in Workflows? If so, are you able to run a diff between two versions?
A: Yes, there is version control. Comparisons between versions can currently be made through an API call.

Q: Can you give an example of a use case that utilizes a parallel gateway in workflows?
A: Yes, a parallel gateway branches a workflow into multiple paths without conditions. In an employee onboarding use case, a parallel gateway could be used in a workflow to perform an employment history verification check and a criminal background check simultaneously. Once both steps are completed, a parallel gateway could be used to rejoin the paths back together

Q: Can I use a workflow to integrate with systems outside of Domo?
A: Yes, a code engine function could be created to call a specific third party API. The code engine function is assigned to a shape in the workflow and runs when the workflow reaches that step.

Q: Are there examples of apps/workflows that we can have access to that you guys have made? Possibly in the community instance or downloadable from the App Store.
A: Workflow templates are accessible in the tool today. These are pre-built designs for common scenarios and patterns that can give you a head start building out your process. More and more options will be available as the Template Library continues to grow.

Q: Does workflow work on non-consumption pricing models?
A: Not automatically, but you can check with your account team for options.

Q: What is the plan to unify approval center and Workflows? The UI of approval center was easy but now I need the flexibility of Domo Workflows.
A: No question we are uniting these features. It is actively in development. The workflows features give superpowers to Approval Center app. Watch for updates later this year.

Q: Do you see any future where you would build out a project management area within Domo that could connect to your dashboards, workflows, datasets, etc?
A: Domo has so many good parts to the project management puzzle.* First, you can do project management with many popular management tools and integrate with Domo's workflows, bring the data into Domo, automate with workflows, etc.* With Workflows + Project and Tasks there are great ways to automate and manage tasks, we are building widgets in App Studio today that will allow you to bring this functionality into Custom App Studio apps.

Q: What role will Domo Workflows play in helping companies build applications and workflows that contain GenAI and rely on RAG?
A: Use our AI Service layer and when data is retrieved and sent to AI Service.

Q: How do I know if my process is a good candidate to implement in a workflow?
A: Workflows can be applied to a wide variety of use cases.  If there are steps that require any kind of integration or automation, our workflow tool can most likely accommodate and optimize the process.

Q: Can I only call a code engine function from a Workflow?
A: No, you can also configure and map a code engine function to run from an App.

Q: Can I use a workflow to integrate with systems outside of Domo?
A: Yes, a code engine function could be created to call a specific third party API.  The code engine function is assigned to a shape in the workflow and runs when the workflow reaches that step. 

Q: How many workflow executions can I run concurrently?
A: Workflows have been architected to infinitely scale as needed to accommodate large volumes of executions. Run as many as you need.

Q: Can Code Engine import other libraries?
A: Not yet, but this is something we want to extend and offer in the future. 

Q: How can a workflow be initiated?
A: A workflow can be started in a variety of ways. It can be started Manually, it can be started through an alert, on a timer, or through an App. Also, a workflow start is just an endpoint, so it can be called through an API.

Q: My organization uses a DEV and PROD environment for its SDLC, can that be extended into Domo?
A: Domo supports DEV and PROD environments through separate DEV and PROD instances of Domo. This architecture is enabled through the Sandbox and Governance Toolkit features. Speak with your account team to find uout more

Q: My organization has been using Domo for over a year now, and we are looking to expand its use into other departments, do you have any advice for how we can achieve this?
A: A great approach to grow adoption within your organization is to focus on the wins that have already been delivered along with their value, and communicate that out to your wider organization. Many of Domo's customers do this through what we call a 'Domo Day', and its an opportunity for you and other who have built data products on Domo to share their success. Reach out to your account team for help with running a Domo Day.

Have any follow-up questions? Post them in the comments below. A product team owner is closely moderating this post and will respond promptly to your questions.
