Alert Configuration options differ across the DataSets

Good afternoon all,

I am looking at setting up the Alerts on our DataSets and have noticed that the options for the configuration differ between different DataSets even though they are both powered by the same Connector.

Version 1 - provides the option to apply the alert on the indivduals rows and apply filters (the one that we would like to use due to availabilty of applying filters):

Version 2 - does not provide the option to apply the alert on the indivduals rows and apply filters :

Does anyone know, why these alert configurations differ? And if so, is there any adviced amends that needs to be made to the DataSets that the Version 1 of alerts would be available?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    I have noticed that dataset alerts off of Dataset Views are limited to aggregated alerts and not row level alerting. Is this also what you are seeing?

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    I have noticed that dataset alerts off of Dataset Views are limited to aggregated alerts and not row level alerting. Is this also what you are seeing?

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • Laura - Systems Support
    edited April 2024


    Figured out where the issue was - you can only create individual row level alerts on the DataSets with less than 1million rows of data.

    Regarding the DataSet Views, yes we see the same, despite the row count, the only option is to create aggregated alerts.

    According to DOMO documentation, these are the exceptions on when the individual row alerts are not available: