Period over period cards interactions with filters

Hi All,

In one of my reports we're using a dataset that refreshes daily but at the end of the month we have to wait a few days for pricing on accounts to settle so the report will re-run the prior month position until rolled forward. The issue I'm having is when it comes to the end of the month all of my cards that are using "This Month" as the reporting period don't work (data still running for Feb with a Feb date but we're now in March).

To try to rectify this I've changed my cards to "All time" and added a reporting date filter at the top of the dashboard so I can select the prior month for all of my MTD cards, however for my multi value cards I have lost my comparison to the prior month - does anyone know if there's a way around this?

Additionally I want to send out the report as a scheduled report but with particular filters cards on, is this achievable?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    I do year to year, month to month comparisons using formulas.

    The results can then be easily added to a bar chart or table chart. Or a bar chart with the numbers below. Each day the numbers move based on the data. Today March is empty. When the end of day numbers come through, March will start to appear.

    Filters that are applied will just update the numbers as long as the field your filter on is part of the dataset.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    I do year to year, month to month comparisons using formulas.

    The results can then be easily added to a bar chart or table chart. Or a bar chart with the numbers below. Each day the numbers move based on the data. Today March is empty. When the end of day numbers come through, March will start to appear.

    Filters that are applied will just update the numbers as long as the field your filter on is part of the dataset.

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