Mega Table - Average column


Creating a mega table card and my first field is a Date type, an the remaining KPIs are all measures. I have the card transposed so it appears as the screenshot shows (columns are dates, rows are various KPIs). My question is: is there a way to add a column at the far right that is an average of all the weeks displayed. So if it's set to 12 weeks, that column would show the 12 week average for each of the rows.

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can have a column to the far right by selecting to show the Total Row (since this table is transposed, then it'll look as a column). As for having it be the Average, that would depend on how your individual calculations are being performed, sometimes it could be as easy as changing the Aggregation type to be Average, or something more complex as updating the calculations to use a FIXED function so it works one way at the day level, but it averages it at any level above that.


  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can have a column to the far right by selecting to show the Total Row (since this table is transposed, then it'll look as a column). As for having it be the Average, that would depend on how your individual calculations are being performed, sometimes it could be as easy as changing the Aggregation type to be Average, or something more complex as updating the calculations to use a FIXED function so it works one way at the day level, but it averages it at any level above that.