Firebase file size limits?


I'm running into a problem connecting a Firebase database into Domo. I have successfully connected other Firebase projects, so am familiar with t he structure. I suspect that this one is going wrong due to the size of the data I'm trying to pull across.

I have successfully pulled a single line of data by using a very specific Data tag name, but if I go back a level, to pull the full dataset, I get an error

Failed parsing JSON source: JsonReader at line 1 column 29605160 path…

The column number changes, making me think it changes when the request times out and it is the size that is the problem.

Even if I did get this to successfully pull once, there is no append data option, so would I need to pull the entire dataset every time?

Has anyone found a workaround?

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    I’d recommend logging a ticket with Domo support as they own the connector and can help diagnose your issue in greater detail

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    I’d recommend logging a ticket with Domo support as they own the connector and can help diagnose your issue in greater detail

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