Can I change the color on a running total line for future months?

Hello! I am building a two year running total line chart (grey is last year, and blue is for current year). Is there a way for the current year running total line (blue) to not show anything beyond January (current month)? If not, is there a way to make future months dotted line or a different color? Since this is a running total but only January data is available, having a long horizontal line is distracting.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can do a running total with a beast mode with a conditional add instead of using the running total on the card.

    SUM(SUM(`Sales`)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(`Date`) ORDER BY `Date`)

    This will exclude any future dates today and beyond so you only have a line for the months provided.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can do a running total with a beast mode with a conditional add instead of using the running total on the card.

    SUM(SUM(`Sales`)) OVER (PARTITION BY YEAR(`Date`) ORDER BY `Date`)

    This will exclude any future dates today and beyond so you only have a line for the months provided.

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  • learningdomo
    learningdomo Member
    edited February 8

    Hi @GrantSmith, thanks for your response. I have been trying to apply your method to my data, but I still can't make it work on a line graph. I also partitioned by year, but the graph looks weird with the months duplicated.

    Is there a way to create two running totals for this year and last year, and put them in the same graph, using your method? All I want is for the current year line is to not show future months, while last year line has all the month. Is that feasible?

  • You can surround your beast mode in a case statement and check if the date is before today then return the date. This will return null for future dates

    Put the year in the series on your graph so it’ll be separate lines for each year.

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