Workbench Notifications


Hello all,

I am here to ask if there is something in place that can be setup as far as notifications go when a workbench job has not completed (regardless of failure or succeeding).

I know you can the notification on success or on failure but is there anything like "send email when job taking longer than 1 hour to run" or "send email if when job has not updated again in last 2 hours"

Any information helps or if anyone has a workaround I am very interested in knowing about this.

Thank you

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    In the Workbench job, under Configure and Additional Settings, you can change the When To Terminate Long Running Jobs to 1 hour. This should trigger a failure notification for you.

    Also, under Transforms, you can add a Calculated Field and add a timestamp column with the NOW() function. You can then create a card that looks at the the latest time and the current time and set an alert when the difference is greater than your tolerance.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    In the Workbench job, under Configure and Additional Settings, you can change the When To Terminate Long Running Jobs to 1 hour. This should trigger a failure notification for you.

    Also, under Transforms, you can add a Calculated Field and add a timestamp column with the NOW() function. You can then create a card that looks at the the latest time and the current time and set an alert when the difference is greater than your tolerance.

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    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.