DDX Brick Link opening New google Tab


I am wondering how can I get my nav bar to open a new google tab when clicked instead of it opening in the DDX Brick. I thought it would be the target="_blank" but when I add that it no longer opens anything.


<li><a href="https://trimble-tt-16502962.domo.com/page/402244837" target="_blank">Return Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#" target="_blank">3rd Party</a></li>

Best Answer

  • DomoDork
    DomoDork Contributor
    Answer ✓


    You need to use domo.navigate() for this to work as DDX bricks are still considered Apps. For example:

    <li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:domo.navigate('/page/402244837', true)";>Return Home</a></li>

    This is per the developer documentation for Apps:


  • DomoDork
    DomoDork Contributor
    Answer ✓


    You need to use domo.navigate() for this to work as DDX bricks are still considered Apps. For example:

    <li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:domo.navigate('/page/402244837', true)";>Return Home</a></li>

    This is per the developer documentation for Apps: