Creating a case statement based on Row Header


Would it be possible to create a case statement that basically looks at the row label and then takes the variance of the two? For example One column at the end called variance and for loads it takes the variance and for MPL it takes the variance etc.

Best Answer

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can accomplish this with a Flex Table chart type. You can probably just change the chart type to flex without needing to rearrange any of the columns. You'll then need to adjust the "column definitions" and "change value options" in chart properties to get the variance totals you're wanting.


  • I essentially just want the total row to be the difference between the two.

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can accomplish this with a Flex Table chart type. You can probably just change the chart type to flex without needing to rearrange any of the columns. You'll then need to adjust the "column definitions" and "change value options" in chart properties to get the variance totals you're wanting.

  • jessdoe That's closer that what I'm looking for. The only thing I have a question on is how do I get the months names in there?

    Here is what I currently have. Instead of Chart I would like Previous month(above the second Column) and current month(above the third). I tried to switch the column name under column definition but that didnt work.

  • I guess you had to be looking at the dashboard to see the names of the columns. Thank you for your help!