Dynamic Segmentation


Customer is using a dynamic segmentation feature, problem is dynamic categorisation based on a time period.

When the average of the last 2 days is 10, that gets categorised as 20.

On the front end, when this average changes, they want it to be categorised differently, is that possible?

Best Answer

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Would need to understand more about your data, but as long as the rules for what should belong to each category are clearly defined it shouldn't be a problem, is just a matter of creating the right CASE statement. The categorization could be performed either via ETL (if it's not meant to be responsive to filters) or Beast Mode, something like:


    CASE WHEN `average2days` = 10 THEN 20 ELSE 10 END

    Clearly I don't expect you to have values for each possible option for the average so most likely you'll use ranges and look which one they match and have multiple WHEN statements for all the possible categorizations you need.


  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Would need to understand more about your data, but as long as the rules for what should belong to each category are clearly defined it shouldn't be a problem, is just a matter of creating the right CASE statement. The categorization could be performed either via ETL (if it's not meant to be responsive to filters) or Beast Mode, something like:


    CASE WHEN `average2days` = 10 THEN 20 ELSE 10 END

    Clearly I don't expect you to have values for each possible option for the average so most likely you'll use ranges and look which one they match and have multiple WHEN statements for all the possible categorizations you need.