Domostats activity log not updating properly

Hi, I am trying to track usage, I have installed domo stats which runs daily however the latest data for my page is November 20th on the monthly version and 17th on the weekly. I know that users have viewed the pages since then. How can I resolve this ?

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I would double check the settings tab of the DomoStats Activity Log dataset to make sure that it is running daily and then check the history tab to see that it has run successful up to the most current date. You can also check the data tab and look at the Event Time column to make sure it is current.

    If those all check out, I would go into Analyzer on the card and verify that Event Time is the field being used in the date range filter. I would also check to see what filters you have in place that might be causing it to show older dates. A good test is to remove all filters and see what date is the most recent.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I would double check the settings tab of the DomoStats Activity Log dataset to make sure that it is running daily and then check the history tab to see that it has run successful up to the most current date. You can also check the data tab and look at the Event Time column to make sure it is current.

    If those all check out, I would go into Analyzer on the card and verify that Event Time is the field being used in the date range filter. I would also check to see what filters you have in place that might be causing it to show older dates. A good test is to remove all filters and see what date is the most recent.

    **Check out my Domo Tips & Tricks Videos

    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • I'm having the same problem.