Export to Excel: all available rows, regardless of "show only x rows"

Applicable especially to tables when to save space developers choose to show only a limited number of rows. However, it might be benefic to have the option to show all rows for exported files.


Best Answers

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You don't have to limit the number of rows to save space on a dashboard. If there are more rows than can be seen based on the size of the card, users will have the ability to scroll up and down as well as across.

  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    You could create card interactions that direct users to a full data table for export. Check out this article: https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043428433?language=en_US and scroll down to "Setting Card interactions" section, specifically: "To configure specified Domo content to open when a Card is clicked"

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  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You don't have to limit the number of rows to save space on a dashboard. If there are more rows than can be seen based on the size of the card, users will have the ability to scroll up and down as well as across.

  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    You could create card interactions that direct users to a full data table for export. Check out this article: https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043428433?language=en_US and scroll down to "Setting Card interactions" section, specifically: "To configure specified Domo content to open when a Card is clicked"

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