Drill Path - ignoring of certain filters


Hi All

i have a card which shows by employee actual % vs Target and the variance YTD (see below) i have added a quick filter to the card so a user can filter on employees who have a variance over a certain % so they can focus on the main drivers

i then wanted a drill path to show the trend by (actual vs target) by month for said individual - however when i drill through it retains the filter on the is greater than gap, meaning any months which have a variance less than the initial selected value are dropped - what i want to do is retain all the data in essence ignoring the initial filter applied

does any one have any suggestions - or perhaps a different approach other than drill path

Many Thanks



Best Answer

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can create a drill card showing the chart you want rather than relying on the default drill path which will always adhere to the filters imposed on the main card. Click the wrench then choose the "edit drill path" option. Click the trash can on the 2nd level to remove the default view, then choose "add a view" and create the view you're interested in the viewer drilling to. It will then be filtered only by the column they click through to the view on rather by any quick filters applied on the main card.


  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can create a drill card showing the chart you want rather than relying on the default drill path which will always adhere to the filters imposed on the main card. Click the wrench then choose the "edit drill path" option. Click the trash can on the 2nd level to remove the default view, then choose "add a view" and create the view you're interested in the viewer drilling to. It will then be filtered only by the column they click through to the view on rather by any quick filters applied on the main card.

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor

    @Dverdon between variables and filters configured on the drill card I thought we could could implement the above but unfortunately it looks like the drill card will always initially default to what was selected on the parent card. Training them to remove the >25% option along the top of the drill view, or removing the range selector from the parent card entirely would be the only other alternatives I can think of.🤷‍♀️