Filtering Across 2 datasets with slightly different field names

JohnFerrara1 Member
edited November 2023 in Cards, Dashboards, Stories

Hello - I have a group of cards on a page built on 2 datasets. I want to filter them using a selector card that contains the customer's name. On one dataset the field is named "name_full" and the other is "customer_name_full". This is done purposefully and I do not want to make them identical if possible. Can you link those two fields together for filtering purposes without adding more fields to the datasets?

Best Answer

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can create a variable that won't clutter up your dataset but you'd have to explicitly list each customer name in the variable and regularly update the variable as customer names are added, deleted, or modified.


  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor

    You don't have to add a new field to the dataset via the etl, but you'll need to add a new beastmode to the dataset at the card level.

    On a card where the column is called "customer_name_full", create a beastmode called "name_full" and in the editor section of the beastmode double click the "customer_name_full" column. Click the box to share it on the dataset. This should allow you to use one filter card based on the "name_full" column.

  • JohnFerrara1

    So no way to do it without sharing beast modes to the dataset? Those really clutter things up.

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You can create a variable that won't clutter up your dataset but you'd have to explicitly list each customer name in the variable and regularly update the variable as customer names are added, deleted, or modified.