Reddit Ads Connector -


Hi all. I'm trying to get the "Reddit Ads" connector to work, but haven't had any success yet. Hoping somebody can help me figure out what the issue is, and more importantly, how to resolve it. Our accounts are whitelisted for API use by Reddit, and I'm no longer getting the "This account is not allowed to use the API" error message, now I'm getting "429 : Too Many Requests : Error calling ************ Details: Rate limit exceeded." (removed URL). When I go to the URL from my browser, I see a message {"error":{"message":"You must be authenticated to use this route."}}

Is there some extra step I need to take on the Reddit side, or Domo side, or both?


Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    a 429 error means that the connector has made too many requests in a specific amount of time and has hit the API Rate Limit (can either be x/day, x/second etc). The connector should intercept these errors and then wait the required amount of time to then resume the request without failing. This would need Domo to update the script to adequately handle the 429 errors. I'd log a support ticket.

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  • trafalger

    That sorta sounds like it's a Domo to Reddit API issue. I'd start with Domo support and get it escalated.

  • pauljames
    pauljames Contributor

    @omnicarson, Reddit Ads is tricky. In my experience we had to reach out to our reddit ads rep so they could then could create your API key. After this, we were set! Definitely reach out to your rep and let them know you are trying to access your data. :)


  • omnicarson

    Thanks mate. I reached back to our rep after I had initially posted this, but will follow up about creating the API key. I went to the page and saw Domo, Inc. as an authorized application, so I kinda figure it's maybe on the Reddit side. Thank you so much for your reply, appreciate it.

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    a 429 error means that the connector has made too many requests in a specific amount of time and has hit the API Rate Limit (can either be x/day, x/second etc). The connector should intercept these errors and then wait the required amount of time to then resume the request without failing. This would need Domo to update the script to adequately handle the 429 errors. I'd log a support ticket.

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