
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to remove PDP from a specific card but keep it on the others? I accidently created a card with a dataset that has PDP and I'm trying to avoid the long way of fixing it of copying the dataflow, turning off the PDP and recreating the card.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately there isn't. PDP is set at the dataset level and applies to all cards derived from the dataset. You may be able to configure Inclusive and/or PDP policies on the dataset, though, that would negate the need to switch this card to a new dataset. This video should help if you're unfamiliar:



  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately there isn't. PDP is set at the dataset level and applies to all cards derived from the dataset. You may be able to configure Inclusive and/or PDP policies on the dataset, though, that would negate the need to switch this card to a new dataset. This video should help if you're unfamiliar:
