When does the Domo platform send a request for a query execution?


The redshift database is getting thousands of queries and is having a hard time keeping up with it.  These are due to the federated data sources that have been established.  Could someone explain when the DOMO platform send in a request for a query execution?  I assume whenever any change is made in analyzer?  Then the cards trigger these query requests as well? Then more cards on a dashboard mean more queries.

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    That's correct. Any time a card is loaded, filtered or modified it's issuing a new query into the database and since you're using a federated connection that's a new query to your database each time. More cards means more queries to your federated database.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    That's correct. Any time a card is loaded, filtered or modified it's issuing a new query into the database and since you're using a federated connection that's a new query to your database each time. More cards means more queries to your federated database.

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