UTF-8 Arrows in HTML Table Beastmode not working


Hi guys,

Im trying to create a html table with up/down arrow using beast mode. I referenced this

post and tried the following code

but I cant get the arrows to show up in the table, shown below

so my question is: does domo html not support UTF-8 arrows anymore? is there any work around or did I do anything wrong? Thank you!


Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    If you copy and paste the actual arrow instead of the code it should work for you

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    If you copy and paste the actual arrow instead of the code it should work for you

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  • hhuang

    @GrantSmith Thank you this would work. Out of curiosity, do you know why the code doesnt work?

  • I think you need to add a space between your metric impression and your utf code. It's viewing the %21&#8681 as one string, when you need the concat to result in %21 &#8681.

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