Using a Dashboard Filter to generate Purchases From 12 Months Prior to start date


I have a dataset that shows details from received Purchase Orders (inventory) that our company buys.

If for instance a user sets up a date filter on this data, we also want to show the received purchase orders for the same vendor for the receipts starting 365 days prior to the Start date of the Date filter on the dashboard.

Example: User selects all receipts > 1/1/2023, and would then view this data, but would also see (on a separate card on same page) a Summary of the purchases from that Vendor for 1/1/2022 thru 12/31/2022. It must be dynamic so that if the user chose a different date range on the Dashboard, the 2nd card would adjust accordingly.

I have successfully setup YOY sales dashboards, but they are based on Current YTD vs Prior YTD and so are not dynamically adjusting dates. This one is throwing me for a loop.

Best Answers

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    I'd recommend utilizing a custom date dimension which would allow you to have a singularly selected date but then allow you to show last year's data. I've done a write up on this in the past you can find here:

    Essentially your second graph would have there the period type = last year.

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    You could use a beastmode that is something like this:

    CASE WHEN `Date field` >= `date` - INTERVAL 365 DAY THEN 'In' ELSE 'Out' END

    When users adjust the date filter then this beastmode will dynamically show data that is within the last 365 days.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    I'd recommend utilizing a custom date dimension which would allow you to have a singularly selected date but then allow you to show last year's data. I've done a write up on this in the past you can find here:

    Essentially your second graph would have there the period type = last year.

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    You could use a beastmode that is something like this:

    CASE WHEN `Date field` >= `date` - INTERVAL 365 DAY THEN 'In' ELSE 'Out' END

    When users adjust the date filter then this beastmode will dynamically show data that is within the last 365 days.

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